Originally from West New York, NJ - Mya Emperatriz Rodriguez Joaquin is described as a promising young actress, singer, and dancer.

Mya has starred as Cinderella in Into the Woods, Sheila in A Chorus Line, Ghost of Christmas Present in A Christmas Carol, and is recognized within establishments such as New York University Tisch School of The Arts, Bergen Performing Arts Center, and KIDZ Theater.

Mya has been performing since the age of 13, her first love being High School Musical Jr.

On July 9th, 2021 - Mya was diagnosed with Stage 2A Bulk Hodgkin’s Lymphoma at the age of 17, undergoing numerous surgeries and chemotherapies which resulted in the absence of her high school graduation, high school prom, and first year at NYU. Today, Mya faces the world with those difficult days in the past as she has been awarded the Tom Coughlin Jay Fund Tisch Scholarship, a Paul Bernot Foundation Scholar, The Sunshine Spokeskids 2023, and National Anthem Singer at MetLife Stadium & Barclays Center. Mya triumphally shares her story (and sings!) at Annual Galas, Fundraisers, and Mixers all in efforts to spread childhood cancer awareness and fundraise for families impacted by childhood cancer.

Recent credits include:

National Anthem Singer (Met Life Stadium), National Anthem Singer (Barclays Center), A Chorus Line (Sheila). Into The Woods (Cinderella), The Drowsy Chaperone (Mrs.Tottendale), Legally Blonde (Pilar), Chicago: Teen Edition (Liz), Every Day Charlie(Dance Captain), A Christmas Carol (Ghost Of Christmas Present). The Producers (Bag Lady), Rent (Sue).

Mya Emperatriz Rodriguez Joaquin

Mya’s Dream:

The Brave Place: Children’s Preprofessional Company

The Brave Place is a development company for young actors who are seeking to be professionals in the performing arts field. A passionate environment can influence growth in rehearsal experience, community building, and an overall emotional outlet that drives young people to pursue their dreams. The Brave Place dedicates time to community service opportunities in order to include everybody through song and dance - generating the shared feeling of love and how it influences many. The actor’s awareness is enhanced through observing others and learning how to be in another’s shoes - therefore reinforcing the company’s statement on how powerful is the human experience.

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